回歸上帝的道路 The Path Back to God

華理克牧師 Rick Warren

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「你們如果全心全意地尋找我,就必定尋見。」(耶利米書 29:13 CNLT)

“When you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” (Jeremiah 29:13 MSG)


I don’t know where you are today. You may be far away from God. Maybe you haven’t been to church in years or maybe you’ve just been distant for a month or two. Maybe you’ve had one of those weeks where you thought, “I really don’t feel God’s presence in my life.” And yet we all long to be close to God. How do you get back to him?

這是回歸靈性轉化的道路 – 你要回歸上帝需要做的四件事

This is the pathway back to spiritual transformation — the four things you need to do to get back to God.