During the month of March we will be guiding you through an Easter experience we’re calling When Morning Comes, a way to prepare our hearts to rejoice in the new life we have in Jesus’ sacrifice. You may not see a reason to celebrate right now. But while there has been so much change and loss and pain this past year, there is also something to look forward to. The morning sun is rising for you, too. We hope you’ll join us.

在三月份,我們將帶領你經歷一次復活節的體驗,我們稱之為 "當早晨來臨",這是一種準備我們的心在耶穌的犧牲中歡欣鼓舞的方式。你現在可能看不到慶祝的理由。但在過去的一年裡,雖然有這麼多的變化、損失和痛苦,但也有一些事情值得期待。晨曦也為你而升起。我們希望你能加入我們。