為什麼全世界有超過20億人參加教堂? 有什麼好處? 如果有人要問我們為什麼去教會,我們可能很難考慮答案。 在本系列中,華理克牧師談到了教會不是我們去的地方或我們參加的活動,而是一個屬靈家庭。作為本系列的一部分,華理克牧師將在其Facebook頁面上發布每日靈修文章。 我們希望您能加入我們,因為我們將更深入地探討神如何滿足我們最深的五個需求!

Why do more than two billion people attend church worldwide? What are the benefits? If someone were to ask us why we go to church, we may have a difficult time thinking of an answer. In this series, Pastor Rick Warren talks about how a church is not a place we go to or an event we attend — it’s a spiritual family. As part of this series, Pastor Rick will be releasing daily devotionals on his Facebook page about. We’d love for you to join us as we dive deeper into how God meets our five deepest needs!

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