每個人都喜歡一個很好的複出故事。 但是如果沒有挫折,這些捲土重來是不可能的。 因為我們生活在一個破碎的世界中,所以您會遇到問題,磨難,困難,損失或失敗。 您可能現在正處於挫折之中。 在本系列中,您將學習上帝在過去如何幫助人們克服挫折,並引導您走向成功。

Everyone loves a good comeback story. But without a setback those comebacks wouldn’t be possible. Because we live in a broken world, you will experience problems, trials, difficulties, losses, or failures. You might be in the middle of a setback right now. In this series, you’ll learn how God has helped people in the past overcome setbacks and set you on a course to achieve your comeback.

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