講道重溫(廣東話版) Sermon

  談書說道 Beyond the Book
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  轉化生命 Be Transformed
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  活出受浸的生命 Living A Baptized Life
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  教會一家 Church Together
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  平安的應許 The Promise of Peace
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  2024 Easter 復活節
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  扎根的生命 The Anchored Life
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  馬槽之旅 Journey to the Manger
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  我們教會的五個事奉目標 Five Serving Goals For Our Church
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  配受所有的敬拜 Worthy Of It All
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  失落的友誼藝術 The Lost Art of Friendship
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  恩典的大能 The Power of Grace
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  電影信息 At the Movies
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  限制成為優勢 Your Unfair Advantage
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  打「對」的仗 Fighting the Right Battles
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  重拾自信 Get Your Confidence Back
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  教會一家 Church Together
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  信心轉託 Transferring Trust
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  造.夢 Created to Dream
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  2023 Easter
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  為突破祈禱 Praying for Breakthrough
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  One Life 一個生命
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  更好 Better
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  缺欠的平安 The Missing Peace
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  歲首年終 New Year's Eve
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  全速前進 Accelerate
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  與人交往 Relating To Humans
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  Uncommon Courage
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  Resetting My Life
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  Building A Better Life
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  Easter 2022
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  Easter 2021
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  異象的偉大力量 The Awesome Power of Vision
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  聖誕節 Christmas at Saddleback
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  在人生困境中活出真信心 A faith that works when life doesn’t
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  「敢夢敢想 - 開・門」Time To Dream Trusting God To Open Doors
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  This Is US
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  顯揚你的人生使命 The Manifestation of Your Lifes Mission
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  成就了的應許 The Promise Fulfilled
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  憤怒時代裏抗衡文化的生活 Counter-Culture Living in the Age of Outrage
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  要與孩子談論的重要事情 Talking to Kids About Stuff That Matters
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